How I started Fist-Bumping
I started fist bumping people a couple of years ago. One of the very first times I tried it was in a business meeting after having started my first venture, efficientLogix, through CBET(Center of Business Entrepreneurship and Technology). I remember my hands being a bit sweaty (an understatement, really!) right before my pitch – Hey! […]
My 2011 Summer Adventures
Came across a list of things that I did last summer, when I was sifting through my old stuff. Some of the really cool things that I did for the Summer of 2011 – One of the best summers of my life! 1. Interned at Desire2Learn as a Product Designer in the User Experience team. Worked on 6 […]
New Design 2012 and some FAQ
Why the new site? Every year, I start getting itchy to change the design of my website; I do this also to learn some of the latest trends happening and have some fun in the process. Some of the new things found in this design – the responsive layout, so it looks beautiful in most […]
KI-X 2012 Museum eXhibition
KIX stands for Knowledge Integration Museum Exhibition. It’s a yearly project culminating in an exhibition, in which the 3rd year students of the Knowledge Integration demonstrate their interests and/or acquired skill sets or personalities through a variety of media. The first of the yearly activities begins with a trip to a foreign city to study […]
CUTC and D2L
I recently got a chance to attend CUTC (Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference), which is not only the most innovative, but the biggest student-run technology conference in Canada. At CUTC, I met several other students who had the same passion and drive to build a better future and have a psotive impact on the society. I […]
Adaptable Execution
Which is greater, the idea or its execution? With the release of the movie “Social network”, there was a lot of buzz regarding the scandal around the origins of Facebook. From the movie, the idea for Facebook was originally conceived by another group of Harvard students and Mark Zuckerberg, who we currently know as the founder […]
Guess What: A Museum Exhbition
This is an article I wrote for the uWaterloo engineering newspaper about a project that I was involved in. We designed and built a Museum Exhibition.
Why I joined TEDxUW?

I recently joined the movement to bring the first ever TED like experience to the University of Waterloo. Prashanth, the Chair of TEDxUW approached me on a fine Monday evening and said “Sharath, I would really like you to join us, I have a feeling that you would be an amazing fit”
Mech Eng 101
Entertaining Speech for my public speaking class on basics of mechanical engineering to a bunch of accounting students. This is the picture I showed to the audience at the end.
Knowledge Integration (KI) Minor
Most of you already know that I am doing a minor in knowledge integration, mainly because I don’t miss an opportunity to tell people about it even if they don’t want to know. As I had explained in my video earlier, Knowledge Integration is an interdisciplinary program that combines arts, design, and science to teach […]