KI-X 2012 Museum eXhibition
KIX stands for Knowledge Integration Museum Exhibition. It’s a yearly project culminating in an exhibition, in which the 3rd year students of the Knowledge Integration demonstrate their interests and/or acquired skill sets or personalities through a variety of media. The first of the yearly activities begins with a trip to a foreign city to study […]
Guess What: A Museum Exhbition
This is an article I wrote for the uWaterloo engineering newspaper about a project that I was involved in. We designed and built a Museum Exhibition.
Knowledge Integration (KI) Minor
Most of you already know that I am doing a minor in knowledge integration, mainly because I don’t miss an opportunity to tell people about it even if they don’t want to know. As I had explained in my video earlier, Knowledge Integration is an interdisciplinary program that combines arts, design, and science to teach […]
INTEG 120 Connections B
An interactive comparison that I had created between a Knowledge Integration student, a dragon and a zombie. The grid accordion has been adapted from Chris Coyier one of my favorite designers. View Demo
What is Knowledge Integration?
A talk about the program knowledge integration(KI) . This was my first, out of series of talks that I had delivered for my Speech Communication class.