Quality of right evidence
Advancement in science is an iterative process; a theory is proposed upon certain observations, then experiments are conducted to validate its authenticity. Most of the time, this step is followed by going back to the drawing board and redoing the experiments again. After all these years of practise, learning new and complex field of science […]
To falsify or not to falsify
Science has made tremendous developments in the last 300 years. With every 25 year increments providing a giant leap further to advance our knowledge about our world and nature of our being. The last century alone gave rise to several new radical fields of science such as theoretical physics, astrobiology. Karl Popper, a philosopher of […]
Neuro-Perception -Waht?
The brain serves as a good example of the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of an effect arises from 20% of the issue surrounding it; the 20% mass of brain tissue we have controls the reactions and perceptions of the other 80% of our being (except the heart but who is complaining). The field […]