My first taste of entrepreneurship


Waterloo has a lot of amazing programs – from being the premier co-op school in the entire world to creating evolutionary new programs such as Knowledge Integration, a bridge between thinkers and doers.I started my first business an energy management software combining my background in engineering and my new thirst of knowledge of building things. The result was E-Coop, my four month trial entrepreneurship venture.

The E-Coop program offers consultation/advice for aspiring entrepreneurs to get traction for their venture. When I say traction, I mean “is this idea even plausible?”. There is no point in having a great idea if people don’t even want to try it. This is a very important part of the entrepreneurship cycle, to build a product people want. Though the project was discontinued, the lessons learned on entrepreneurship, design and the culture of building things was just getting started for me. Here is a article on my experience with E-Coop.